The word for monkey in Spanish is mono

In chapter 4 in the first paragraph I read contained some information on monkeys! This first paragraph caught my eye and gave me an idea. That idea being that I should do this weeks research project on monkeys.
The White-throated Capuchin Monkeys lives in groups of 5 to 24. They are extremely curious, agile and aggressive, by defending their territory also by threatening with their sharp teeth and shaking on trees.
Apart from fruits and leaves they eat also lizards, birds and eggs.They eat fruit and leaves, as do the acrobatic spider monkeys, while the capuchins and squirrel monkeys enjoy a wider diet including everything from fruits to insects and lizards.These are all some of the fruits that the monkeys in Costa Rica eat
- Mamon’ chino, an exotic looking red, spiny fruit with succulent white flesh inside that you suck off a large seed
- aranon, the colorful cashew fruit or cashew apple, has the kidney shaped cashew nut inside. The fruit is bright scarlet and pear shaped with delectable soft, sharply flavored flesh.
- Guava or guayaba is a thin skinned, lemon-like fruit rich in vitamins A, C, iron and calcium.
- Mango or manga, the mango is the male fruit which is greener, smaller and harder than the female manga, which is more yellow with orange pulp.
- Mombin or jocote is a dark green to red-skinned juicy fruit which has a spicy flavor. Its wild yellow-skinned cousin is called the hogplum.
- Mountain apple or manzana de agua, has crisp white flesh and a pinkish skin, tastes similar to an apple.
- Manzana rosa or the rose apple tastes like an apple but is rose perfumed.
- Palm fruit or pejibaye is a small coconut that grows in a cluster among the fronds of the pejibaye palm tree.
- Papaya or pawpaw has 45 varieties that grow in the tropics and this bland fruit may be yellow, green or orange-skinned.
- Soursap or guanabana is a prickly kidney-shaped fruit which is a relative of the custard apple.
- Starfruit or carambola has a pale yellow skin and very juicy white flesh.
- Chiverre is a large green and white striped fruit which resembles a squash and is a member of the pumpkin family.
- Bananas in many varieties grow in the tropics, including those which taste like apple, lemon or strawberry.
- Mamey has juicy yellow fruit.
- Pina anona looks like an ear of corn without the husk and tastes like pineapple.
- Zapote colorado has brown skin, red puckery fruit like the persimmon.
From May to October the fruit is abundant, so foraging is and easy is the squirrels have more time to play and rest. But by November, the sparse season arrives and they must spend most of their days looking for food. They rise at 5 AM and retire at about 6PM.
I found all of this information very helpful and useful for learning more about monkeys. Like I have mentioned in previous blog entrys I find this to be very interesting. I hope that you found all of this information to be useful as well.
i really like your blog.. its colorful!! and i love the blog entries
ReplyDeleteBrittney, I just want to tell you how proud I am of you. It seems like you have really been ignited by this trip, and the book. Your blog is really developing, and it shows that you have been putting more time and effort in. You will get to Costa Rica my friend. Just you wait and see!
ReplyDeleteThanks so much ladies:)